We are sometimes asked to provide and administer vaccinations against specific infective illnesses (eg Hepatitis B) in cases where an individual may be at increased risk, either by virtue of their occupation itself (eg health worker, refuse operative) or specific activity whilst at work (eg first aider).
The infective illnesses which may be relevant in this context are Hepatitis B, Tuberculosis, Rubella (German measles) and Varicella (Chicken pox).
Current Health and Safety legislation stipulates that it is the responsibility of the body requesting the vaccination to organise an appropriate risk assessment and onward referral for any necessary vaccination should it be necessary. Provision of vaccinations under these circumstances is not included within the NHS and is not normally within the remit of a General Medical Practice. The task should be carried out by the employer's own occupational health department or a separate private provider.
Occasionally an employer, institution or other organisation will commission a General Medical Practice to provide and administer any necessary vaccinations. Abbottswood Medical Centre has the necessary skills, staff and equipment to perform this service. The fee is payable by the requesting body. In very unusual circumstances (eg self employed) when the fee is to be paid by the patient we will need to direct you to our colleagues at Pershore Medical Practice** with whom we have a reciprocal agreement. The necessity for this is determined by NHS regulations which forbid us obtaining a fee for an occupational vaccination from a registered patient of the practice.
** Pershore Medical Practice can be contacted by telephone - 01386 553346 - please state that you require an assessment with a view to an occupational health vaccination and that you have been advised to do so by Abbottswood Medical Centre.