Clinics & Services
Clinics & Services we provide:

Cervical Smears
Cervical Screening (a smear test) is a test to check the health of the cervix and help prevent cervical cancer. It is offered to Women and people with a cervix aged 25 - 64. You will be contacted by NHS England or your Docotrs surgery by letter or text inviting you to make an appointment.
More informaiton on Cervical Screening can be found here

Travel Vaccinations
If you are planing to travel outside the UK, you may need to be vaccinated against some of the serious diseases found in other parts of the world. Please be aware that only the following travel vaccines are free on the NHS, Polio, Typhoid, Hepatitus A & Cholera other vaccines you may have to pay for.
For more information on what is available on the NHS please click here

Private Fees for Non-NHS Services
In addition to free NHS services, we also provide paid services, such as certificates/reports, Doctors letters, vaccinations and much more. Click here to see our private fees list.

NHS Health Check
The NHS health Check is a free check up of your overall health. It can tell you if your at a higher risk of getting certain health problems such as: Heart Disease, Diabetes, Kidney Disease or Stroke.
You will be eligible for this check if your aged 40 - 74 and do not have a pre-excising health condition you should be invited to a health check every 5 years.
More information on health checks can be found here

Family Planning Services
All aspects of family planning are provided by the practice. We have specially trained Doctors & Nurses in implant & coil fitting and removals and post-coital contraception, Pre-conceptual advice is also available if needed.
A full pre-conceptual, antenatal and postnatal maternity service is provided by the Pershore & Evesham midwifery team together with our own GP.

Disease Management
Chronic disease management involves managing the symptons of a long term disease, thereby allowing patients to enjoy life more. We can help slow down the progression of your disease and help control your symptoms.
It is essential for all our patients with chronic dieases to attend for regular monitoring checks with our specially trained nurses.

Child Health & Immunisations
We offer comprehensive Baby and Child health checks from newborn physical examinations to their first 6 - 8 week check.
Most babies are healthy and will not have any of the conditions the screening tests look for but for those abbies who do have a health problem the benefits of the screening can be enormous.
For more information on what is carried out please click here

Minor Surgery
Some minor surgical procedures can be done at the practice at the doctors discretion such asremoval of moles, Cysts, in growing toe nails and many more. If you are offered minor surgery at the practice the doctor will explain fully what preocedure involves and any necessary aftercare.
Choosing to have minor surgery carried out at your doctors means you can avoid long hospital waiting lists.

Mental Health Support
In addition to offering annaul reviews to patients with mental health problems we also have additional support from a gateway worker, Counsellor, CBT therapist and psychological well being worker
For more infmtion on these services please speak to your GP. Alternativley you can find what mental health services are in your area here
Other local services:

Onside Advocacy
We work with Onside Advocacy to help patients that may be experiencing problems that can not be solved by a medical professional such as debt probelms, loneliness & Isolation, wellbeing support and much more.
Please speak to your GP if you would like more informaiton on what services Onside provide, alternativley you can visit their website here

The Physiotherapy service is available for free to help restore movement and function caused by a injury, illness or disability.
Our patients are able to self referr themselves for support and guidance please click here for more information.

We have a dedicated Cranstoun worker that works from our practice one day a week supporting patients with various issues from Substance missuse to domestic abuse. Click here to found out more about their services.